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Quezon City, NCR, Philippines
I am blessed, a songwriter, a musician, an educator, an artist, a SERVANT of GOD, a woman after God's own heart and a princess by heart=)

Tuesday, June 19, 2012


June 19, 2012, at exactly 3am, God woke me up and leads me to an intimate prayer with Him. Rarely do I cry out for something not related to myself. But tonight, for some crazy reason I cannot explain, that's all different. Tonight I'm crying out for those I love, my friends, because many of them are hurting right now, in very different, but very specific situations. Tonight I am actually literally crying for them. I sense the brokenness, I sense the hurt, and in some ways I feel their pain, in other ways. I do not feel their pain, but my heart breaks for them, and cries out tonight for them. Don't get me wrong, the situations are very different, in very different ways, but I hurt and I cry out for them regardless. Many are praying that God will reveal his will to them, and that's hard to understand and hard to see and hard to know, and I know this all too well because I am right there with them. My heart cries that God will intentionally and assuredly show them his will. Many of my friends are struggling with where to go in life, whether it means a certain job or certain vacation, or what relationship to pursue, and I pray that God will reveal those decisions and those paths to them and He will make it clear to them to know which way to go. So God, I can only do what I know to do, just come to you, bring my friends to you, lift them up to you, and TRUST that you have their life already planned out and full known and have for a long long time. Please make your will revealed to them, and please restore these broken relationships all around me, and heal broken hearts from death of loved ones, as you're the only one that can heal the brokeness inside us. Please help all of us know what plan you have for us and pursue it with everything within us. Because of this reason, I realized how special I am to God because He choose me to be part of His family as His princess. God leads me to His words full of compassion and love; “how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge” (Ephesians 3:18-19a NIV) – then you’re on your way to understanding the extraordinary value of every human life, how each individual is a masterpiece created by God. WE are a masterpiece created by God. The point is, God thought you up (Jeremiah 1:5), and now he lovingly thinks of us. We are of immeasurable worth to God, and our value is not determined by our appearance or performance, or how much time or money we can contribute, or how well we sing or teach – or how long we live. The value of any container is determined by its contents, and WE are a one and only, custom-made container of Uncommon Stuff – as a believer, you contain the very life of God. Rejoice in this truth, and be set free. What does this mean? God’s love transforms – When you understand your value to God, you will be less likely to sin. His love will compel you to walk in the light. In conclusion, I am so thankful God loves me so much that He is thinking of me always. Well, after my encounter to God, I am overwhelmed and challenge to do this: If you think good things about someone, tell them. Go out of your way to fill their lives with joy while there's still time. Those expressions of appreciation, those words of forgiveness, that special gift you've had in mind, give it while you can. And lastly, Don't keep your love in a box! well, thanks for reading!

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