My photo
Quezon City, NCR, Philippines
I am blessed, a songwriter, a musician, an educator, an artist, a SERVANT of GOD, a woman after God's own heart and a princess by heart=)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Simple Reminder

Please help me Lord, I really don’t know what to do. Only your words can comfort me. Only your embrace can soothe my pain. I have given everything I could my Lord, and there is nothing more I can give. I kneel before you now, crushed and broken, empty and afraid to be alone. Hide me under your wings, hold me in your loving arms. Say unto me again how much you love me. Say unto me that you have called me yours and you will never ever let me go. Though men may fail, you remain faithful, steadfast and immovable as a rock. Though men may judge me for all the faults they see in me, you see my heart and reveal to me the beautiful soul you see in me. Help me to let go of my pain, teach me to forgive those who do not even ask my forgiveness. This burden is something I shouldn’t carry in my heart. This trouble is not something I should trade away my peace for. I know that I have been done wrong, the things that have happened had been so unfair. Sometimes life’s like that. Many things in this life really seem so unfair. But let me not continue being unfair to myself. Let me not punish myself anymore for the things others have done.

I offer unto you my wounded heart, my broken heart. I know it is you my Lord who will uphold me in the end. Let me not lose hope. Let me not cast away everything that’s good and beautiful in this life. I know that there is so much more in store for me. I know how much love I can still give away because it is you who fills me with everything that I’ll ever need. You are the one who loves me truly, eternally, unconditionally. You are the one who has always been there for me and always will be there for me. You are my one true love. You are my forever. You are my strength and my peace and my joy. Surely in your presence Lord, I do not need anything more.

Today before you think of saying an unkind word, Think of someone who can't speak. Before you complain about the taste of your food. Think of someone who has nothing to eat. Before you complain about your husband or wife. Think of someone who's crying out to God for a companion. Today before you complain about life. Think of someone who went too early to heaven. Before you complain about your chil...dren. Think of someone who desires children but they're barren. Before you argue about your dirty house, someone didn't clean or sweep. Think of the people who are living in the streets. Before whining about the distance you drive. Think of someone who walks the same distance with their feet. And when you are tired and complain about your job. Think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had your job. But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another. Remember that not one of us are without sin and we all answer to one maker. And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down. Put a smile on your face and thank God you're alive and still around. Life is a gift, Live it, enjoy it, celebrate it and fulfill it.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Loving Philippines

I really love the newest ad of Coca-Cola. Its very sensible because it speaks so much about love for our country. Every time I hear this commercial, I feel so proud to be a Filipino. :) Thank God for the lyrics that He put in the heart and let it be heard.

With everything that is happening now in our country, this should be our personal battle cry for the Philippines.

Minamahal kita Pilipinas...Minamahal kita Pilipinas...

Whatever happens, whatever it takes, we should show our love for our country. We will remain in love with the Philippines. One famous leader had said,

"Ask not what your country can do for you, instead, ask what you can do for your country."

and as citizens of the Philippines, this is our call of duty,

To LOVE, HONOR and SERVE our country.

Remember, Your LOVE for the Philippines will show how much you love GOD. :)

Loving Philippines

I really love the newest ad of Coca-Cola. Its very sensible because it speaks so much about love for our country. Every time I hear this commercial, I feel so proud to be a Filipino. :) Thank God for the lyrics that He put in the heart and let it be heard.

With everything that is happening now in our country, this should be our personal battle cry for the Philippines.
Minamahal kita Pilipinas...Minamahal kita Pilipinas...

Whatever happens, whatever it takes, we should show our love for our country. We will remain in love with the Philippines. One famous leader had said,

"Ask not what your country can do for you, instead, ask what you can do for your country."

and as citizens of the Philippines, this is our call of duty,

To LOVE, HONOR and SERVE our country.

Remember, Your LOVE for the Philippines will show how much you love GOD. :)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

5 ways to improve relationship

A relationship, no matter the type, is like anything else in life and must have some effort put forth in order to be successful. With a little common sense and a lot of consideration and compassion, you can ensure that all of your relationships are pleasant, positive and healthy.

Here are five very simple things that you can do to improve the relationships you currently have and also pave the way for successful ones in the future.

Take Responsibility for Yourself

This is probably the most important choice in maintaining a healthy relationship of any kind. Taking responsibility for your own needs and feelings is the most effective way of ensuring a happy, lasting partnership with anyone. Realizing that you are the only one responsible for your destiny and happiness will allow you to be in control of your own life instead of relying on someone else to do it for you.

Gratitude Instead of Attitude

Many of us take for granted the numerous things people regularly do for us, whether it's monumental or simple and insignificant. Nothing will sabotage a relationship quicker than taking someone for granted and not appreciating what they do, or even just who they are and what they mean to you. Showing your appreciation, no matter how small, will validate the person's actions and show that you truly care about the effort they put forth for you.

Stop and Smell the Roses

Life seems to pass us by all too quickly, which is rather unfortunate considering we're often left with not enough time to do and say the things we've always wanted. But by stepping back and relaxing for a moment, you'll be able to put things in perspective better, and then, in turn, appreciate the beauty of all aspects of your relationships, regardless of how small they may seem.

Acceptance Instead of Judgment

Continuously pointing out a loved one's shortcomings will only hinder future relations with that person. And while one may forgive hurtful words and actions, it's often much harder to actually forget them. By accepting someone for who they are, the loving person you chose to be in a relationship with, you'll be better able to interact with them on a more satisfying level of love and acceptance. A critical nature will only create lasting strife and unpleasantness.

Make it About Them Instead of You

There are many times when we must selflessly put others and their needs ahead of our own. A lot of people mistakenly enter a relationship wondering what's in it for them instead of how they're going to better the lives of those around them. A relationship where both parties treat each other with love, kindness, understanding and respect instead of negativity is one that will surely flourish.

Doing great things...

It is not enough to be the best… when you have the ability to be GREAT!”
what is your potential..

what’s holdong you back?

Vision: Can you see, touch and taste your dreams?

Belief: beyond hope, absolute faith in yourself, in your goals, in the outcome

Desire: What gives depth and meaning to your life?

Courage: the ability to place your dreams above your fears.

Perseverance: in the face of disappointment, in the face of setbacks and barriers, the strength to take one step, and then another… and then another…

Execution: What inspires you to action? What is your creative force?

Passion: What spark lights your sould? What drives you?

Aspire to greatness in each facet of your life, in your career, in your relationships, in your dreams, for the future, it simply is not enough to be the best… when you have the ability to be GREAT.

Brokenness in waiting

Well, I have been so broken a lot of times and sometimes I asked God why, but then again He slowly molds us to something what He wants us to become. :)

"WAIT PATIENTLY FOR THE LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD."--Psalm 27:14

What is the difference between 'waiting for the LORD' and 'waiting patiently for the Lord? I think the first waiting is our response to the circumstances that demands our compliance to wait, while the second waiting is a result of God's dealing with us in brokenness that results in a willingness to wait for the Lord. Somehow, life is designed by God's appointed waiting sheds and from there we gain better perspective and live simple lives of faith.

On the outset, to 'wait upon the Lord' means a circumstance leaves us no, we wait for flights, for the weather to calm down, for our numbers to be called while falling in line at government offices or movie houses. Waiting is a part of existing. Waiting patiently for the Lord is the result of God's dealing with us in brokenness. 'Waiting for the Lord" is compliance while 'waiting patiently for the Lord' is friendship. It takes brokenness to see this point and more brokenness to appreciate and desire this state of waiting patiently for the Lord.

How long is our waiting time? Honestly, it is difficult to tell or to predict. One can be certain the Lord will meet us at His appointed time. It is here that we are confronted with the humbling truth that we are not in control of everything. It is here we see our helplessness. It is also here that we hear the invitation of the Almighty to cease striving and to slow down...and know God. This is not easy to appreciate...but when we learn to wait patiently for the Lord it becomes a hunger hard to deny.

The delays and denials are actually preparations for the blessings that God is more than willing to give. Why is it so necessary to be broken before enjoying whatever God wants us to have? It is because in being broken, we actually learn to savor and truly enjoy God's blessings. Here, God is honored and we are humbled. In waiting patiently, our need for grace is so clear, our dark side is exposed and out prayers are intense. It is also in waiting patiently that our appetite for the glory of God and and for Him to be glorified grows strong and deep. Waiting, praying, and worshipping patiently is now the delight of our souls. :)

Instead of asking Him why, let's just tell Him--I want you to choose for me Lord,for I know all things are beautiful in your Time. :)

To God be the greatest glory. ;)
God bless us all. :)

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Singleness Is A Blessing

In showbizness, singleness is really a blessing, according to True Love Waits ambassadors DJ & Micah Lamar a.k.a. The Lamars. Brothers DJ (20) and Micah (18) set off their acting debut last year as Sam Milby’s bandmates in the Kapamilya feature, “Idol.”

Despite the blessing of growing up in a Christian home and provincial solitude the Lamars have struggles in being single. They share, “Sometimes you see your friends in relationships and they look happy and looks like they’re having fun and you feel jealous, but then you realize that probably in a couple months they’re just gonna break up and find someone else…”

DJ & Micah Lamar for TLW Philippines

Hints of Jealousy

Even if hints of jealousy often come up they realize that there’s nothing real in the relationships they see. No commitment at all. “Nowadays it’s just a game, who can get the prettier girl, cuter guy, or they just want ‘someone’ because everyone else has someone,” the Lamars said.

These brothers dodge their hints of jealousy deciding that fleeting emotions and satisfaction are not what they’re looking for, “We want something real, someone we will eventually commit the rest of our lives with,” they said.

A Decision To Be Single

“When you go into a relationship, you give a part of your heart to that person. Things go well at first then you break up, then you go into another relationship. You give your heart again to someone else… and the cycle just repeats itself.”

DJ & Micah further explained that “by the time you find the person you really want to spend the rest of your life with, you can’t give your whole heart to him or her because you’ve already shared it with other people in your previous relationships.” For the Lamars, it’s waiting for the right one than to going into a relationship for the sake of having a relationship. It’s settling for the best to come.

Waiting and Marriage

Young as they are the Lamars has nuggets of wisdom to share about marriage. “Marriage is a gift. It’s a privilege of sharing and committing your life with someone. It’s a gift that nowadays is not taken seriously because it’s not easy, and never will be.”

“Marriage is a beautiful thing but for some reason today it became an option. I guess people don’t like to face challenges nowadays so they just give in to divorce. But then again, if God is not in the center, that’ll definitely make things even the more difficult.” By waiting and honoring marriage the Lamars desires to honor none other than the creator of it: God. Waiting also means honoring the girl God will pick out for them.

Premarital Sex and Youth

UNASHAMED to be Pure

“When you’re doing ‘everything’ before you get married,” the Lamars continued, “the side effects will appear when you get married and it will be difficult.”

“Engaging in PMS (premarital sex) is a sin! There’s no other way to say it. You can try to reason with yourself and make up excuses or whatever but it’s still a sin.”

“Despite it being a sin, know that God is merciful and that He forgives, but that doesn’t give you right to abuse that and go do it again. God knows what’s in your heart, there’s nothing you can hide from Him.”

“Singles! Be proud and unashamed,” they call out. “God knows and has someone out there for you. Just be patient. Don’t feel like you have to be like everyone else. Go for something that will last for a lifetime.”

“Your friends might make fun of you or whatever but deep down inside they respect you. They might not admit or say it but we promise you they do because it shows that a real man can be patient and have self-control.”

There might only be a few who desire to be single with this kind of perspective on love, sex and marriage but as True Love Waits ambassadors the Lamars desire that all singles out there will, “live a life that will honor God, because at the end of the day, that’s what really matters.”

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


1."WE christian artists/ musicians can't do what we do, apart from GOD who gifted us.Let's never forget that our message is not a demonstrations of our own talent but a demonstration of Spirit's power (1 Cor.2:4) AMEN
...Music ministry is God's, not ours.Amen!

2." WE need more talented vocalists, instrumentalists, arrangers, musicians, actors, dancers,writers, poets,visual artists, film directors,songwriters,etc...out in the world impacting our culture for Christ.Yes we need more christian artists and musicians in the market place.WE ARE THE SALT of the EARTH. (Matthew 5:13) ministry that ministers! AMEN!

3."Secular music is performed to impress or to move others emotionally.God's music goes beyond that because it ministers life and truth by presenting and glorifying Jesus.This can be done only when singers and songs are anointed and saturated in the Holy Spirit" and musicians are anointed! AMEN!

4."Musicians/Artists are "called" just as "Christian teacher, minister,doctor,engineer,lawyer,housewife,or anybody else...has been called by the Lord to specific work in line with his talents.The musician will answer for that which has been enthrusted to him.Amen...Musicians, artists, we are CALLED!

5."We get obsessed with terminology.We go around sticking labels on everything in church life.God is not interested in pinning badges to people: bishop, senior pastor, asst pastor, christian educator, seminary prof, elder, deacon, worship pastor, music director,, worship leader and so on.Our security is not on the badge we wear.Our security is in what we are.God is concerned with MEN, not METHODS; PEOPLE not POSTS".May God find our character godly! Amen!

6."Drums are not worldly---but you can get drummers who are; Electric guitars are not unsanctified---but sometimes the people who play them are...Let everything be done decently and in order, but for God's sake...ALL INSTRUMENTS can be used for the Glory of God!

7."Ministry is not primarily a result of talents and abilities; it is accomplished by the Spirit of God moving through a consecrated vessel" SPIRIT_FILLED first!Amen

8. "If we are in the music ministry? then be like Jesus, become a servant.To minister is to serve.LET"S SURRENDER that inlated EGO"..What we are is more important than what we do.Amen!

9."Before a church hires a music director/choir director/conductor, etc; some hard questions must be addressed.If musicians are considered visible servants or leaders within the church, shouldn't they exhibit the qualifications of elders or deacons as listed in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1?.SINGER'S lives must be consistent with their lyrics.AMEN?

10."Without the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and ministries we have nothing to offer except mere words and "pretty" or "cute" music.But when we are anointed, and the presence of the Holy Spirit is upon our instruments and voices, we minister according to what is God's desire and will for a particular service.It is not the talents that breaks the yoke over people's lives and set the captives free but, as Jesus said, "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed ME...(Luke 1:18,19).The same Spirit that was upon Jesus is capable of radically revolutionizing our music ministry, causing us to serve with power and authority. AMEN!

11.'The Christian Singer/Artist has a triumvirate charge of service to the Lord Jesus Christ: sound doctrine, Christ-centered worship and holy living.These three pillars are the foundation of true music ministry and godly character" AMEN!

12."God's intent is that earthly creativity reflects heavenly creativity" Create for His glory alone!

13. "We are serving God who says"My thoughts are not your thoughts, nether are your ways, my ways"( Isaiah 55:8) and in music ministry as in every other ares of life, the all important thing is not to go along with the majority, not even the christian majority, but to find out what pleases the Lord( Ephesians 5:10) AMEN!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Be The Best

Imagine a world where everyone around you was successful. All of your peers were over-achievers, every business in your area was thriving, and everyone you met was a multi-millionaire who appeared to be happy and living fulfilling lives. Now imagine, if you will, how you would feel living in such a world with your current level of achievement. Would you feel any less successful? Do you think your level of achievement would stay the same or increase?

Being your best is about holding yourself to a higher standard and realizing your full potential. We all have the need for belonging, and this need is met by pushing ourselves to a moderate level of achievement based on the society in which we live. Should we be letting other people set the pace for our success, or lack thereof? Do you tend to base your own potential on the potential of "the crowd", and see those who succeed as exceptions? Perhaps it is time to compare our potential and ability to the only person who really matters -- ourselves.

How can you learn to be your best, hold yourself to a higher standard, and live up to your full potential? Here are just a few ways.

Realize. Realize that you are an individual and not a member of a herd. Realize that effort alone is not the key to success and you are not currently being the best you can be.
Adopt. Adopt qualities that you admire and respect in others.
Believe. Believe that you are destined for greatness and the only reason you are not there yet is because you have not realized your full potential.
Affirm. If you are one who likes affirmations, then say to yourself, "I am better than this". Being your best is like striving for perfection - you will never get there, but it certainly does not hurt to make the effort.
Integritize. (Yes, this is a made-up word to mean "live with integrity" - just trying to keep consistent with my one word bullet items). Although living with integrity will not necessarily help you to be better than you currently are, it will keep you from falling back.
It seems like common sense that we would all strive to be our best, so why don't we? Some people buy the excuse, "I am what I am". This is true, we are who we are but that does not mean we cannot change. There is nothing wrong with striving to become a better person. There are also those who fear they will become one of those people who act like they are "too good" for others, or have a "holier than thou" attitude. You are not, nor ever will be, better than anyone else besides the person you are now. Remember that, and you will not only have greater respect for all others, but they will have greater respect for you as well.

Being your best is a goal that should be at the top of your list. It is a generic goal that will take a lifetime to achieve. It is, however, a goal where the pursuit alone will increase your chances of living a more fulfilled and successful life.

Being the best means to be ready and open to GOOD vibes, no negativity.

Being the best means to INSPIRE people, reach out for them and put a smile on them, share.

Being the best means to do your BEST, not simply OKAY, UNLEASH your potential and make it happen.

"Walang mataas, walang mahirap, Kung ilalabas, ibibigay ang lahat, Sinasabi ng puso ang gusto’y kakayanin, Pangarap di malayo, kaya mong abutin, Damdamin mo’y isigaw, Ang bibida ay ikaw, Bidabest sa tag-araw. :)"

If you believe in yourself enough, And know what you want, You're gonna make it happen, And if you get down on your

knees at night, And pray to the lord, He's gonna make it happen

God bless and always be the best.

Like this song:

You Can Make It Happen Lyrics

You got a dream and

You make your move

You got the feeling,

You got the groove

You got the will

And gotta make it through

You got the power

To make a stand

You got the mind

To understand

You got the time

You got the chance

In your hands


So, you hold on to your dream

'Cause you can make it happen

And though far it may seem

You know it's surely comin

You don't give up the fight

You brave it through the night

For a new day will dawn

To show you the light

You Got the faith

To run the race

You know the path

You set the pace

You got his light above

To guide your way

You see the rainbow

Through the rain

You see the prize beyond the pain

You know the test

Is but a part of the game


You may stumble and grow weary

You may fall along the way

Get up and don't give up

It's ok
