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Quezon City, NCR, Philippines
I am blessed, a songwriter, a musician, an educator, an artist, a SERVANT of GOD, a woman after God's own heart and a princess by heart=)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


1."WE christian artists/ musicians can't do what we do, apart from GOD who gifted us.Let's never forget that our message is not a demonstrations of our own talent but a demonstration of Spirit's power (1 Cor.2:4) AMEN
...Music ministry is God's, not ours.Amen!

2." WE need more talented vocalists, instrumentalists, arrangers, musicians, actors, dancers,writers, poets,visual artists, film directors,songwriters,etc...out in the world impacting our culture for Christ.Yes we need more christian artists and musicians in the market place.WE ARE THE SALT of the EARTH. (Matthew 5:13) ministry that ministers! AMEN!

3."Secular music is performed to impress or to move others emotionally.God's music goes beyond that because it ministers life and truth by presenting and glorifying Jesus.This can be done only when singers and songs are anointed and saturated in the Holy Spirit" and musicians are anointed! AMEN!

4."Musicians/Artists are "called" just as "Christian teacher, minister,doctor,engineer,lawyer,housewife,or anybody else...has been called by the Lord to specific work in line with his talents.The musician will answer for that which has been enthrusted to him.Amen...Musicians, artists, we are CALLED!

5."We get obsessed with terminology.We go around sticking labels on everything in church life.God is not interested in pinning badges to people: bishop, senior pastor, asst pastor, christian educator, seminary prof, elder, deacon, worship pastor, music director,, worship leader and so on.Our security is not on the badge we wear.Our security is in what we are.God is concerned with MEN, not METHODS; PEOPLE not POSTS".May God find our character godly! Amen!

6."Drums are not worldly---but you can get drummers who are; Electric guitars are not unsanctified---but sometimes the people who play them are...Let everything be done decently and in order, but for God's sake...ALL INSTRUMENTS can be used for the Glory of God!

7."Ministry is not primarily a result of talents and abilities; it is accomplished by the Spirit of God moving through a consecrated vessel" SPIRIT_FILLED first!Amen

8. "If we are in the music ministry? then be like Jesus, become a servant.To minister is to serve.LET"S SURRENDER that inlated EGO"..What we are is more important than what we do.Amen!

9."Before a church hires a music director/choir director/conductor, etc; some hard questions must be addressed.If musicians are considered visible servants or leaders within the church, shouldn't they exhibit the qualifications of elders or deacons as listed in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1?.SINGER'S lives must be consistent with their lyrics.AMEN?

10."Without the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives and ministries we have nothing to offer except mere words and "pretty" or "cute" music.But when we are anointed, and the presence of the Holy Spirit is upon our instruments and voices, we minister according to what is God's desire and will for a particular service.It is not the talents that breaks the yoke over people's lives and set the captives free but, as Jesus said, "The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed ME...(Luke 1:18,19).The same Spirit that was upon Jesus is capable of radically revolutionizing our music ministry, causing us to serve with power and authority. AMEN!

11.'The Christian Singer/Artist has a triumvirate charge of service to the Lord Jesus Christ: sound doctrine, Christ-centered worship and holy living.These three pillars are the foundation of true music ministry and godly character" AMEN!

12."God's intent is that earthly creativity reflects heavenly creativity" Create for His glory alone!

13. "We are serving God who says"My thoughts are not your thoughts, nether are your ways, my ways"( Isaiah 55:8) and in music ministry as in every other ares of life, the all important thing is not to go along with the majority, not even the christian majority, but to find out what pleases the Lord( Ephesians 5:10) AMEN!

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