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Quezon City, NCR, Philippines
I am blessed, a songwriter, a musician, an educator, an artist, a SERVANT of GOD, a woman after God's own heart and a princess by heart=)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

i wanted to beloved

I almost didn’t get to have my devotion this morning. It was soooo good to saty in bed and sleep ’til my alarm sets off again, but, I guess the spirit is willing so the body must follow! :)
I started my devotion with a short worship; actually, I was singing already the moment I opened my eyes, and started to pray for the most pressing needs in my list.
It is actualy about my family. I guess it would sound selfish but, I really focused on them this morning and I focused mainly about love. Why love right? I didn’t know why too but as I was praying God revealed it to me.
I love my family somuch that I wouldn’t let anything hurt them. Though sometimes I don’t show it, it doesn’t mean that I don’t love them. It doesn’t also erases my love for them if they chose not to beleve I love them, because the truth remains; they will always be in my heart and mind, second to God.
God showed me that we can sometimes be like that. One moment we feel sooo loved by God and then feel abandoned the next because we didn’t get goosebumps or didn’t have an epiphany.
Our belief doesn’t change God, rather, our beliefs changes us. God loves us constantly, eternally while we on the other hand loves Him conditionally.
We, as humans, always have to be assured by our senses: can we feel him? can we hear him? can we see him? can we etc…? If we find ourselves answering those questions with a resounding no, we start to believe that he’s not there, he doesn’t see us, he doesn’t hear us. Guess what, He’s there, if we would only learn how to open our hearts.
It is us who need to learn how to love God and in loving Him, see Him for who He really is.
Who can see (feel, hear, experience) God? Those who are pure in heart.
How can we be pure in heart? Know, accept and obey.
John 14:21 (AMP)
The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him. [I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him.]

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